środa, 15 października 2014

Monday Night RAW 13 October 2014

Someone asked me why I don't post my reviews right after watching RAW, which I do usually in the morning after it airs, on Tuesday my time. The reason is pretty simple. It's because I don't want to be influenced by my emotions in the moment. Quite often something that irritates me when watching it, can infuriate me later or quite opposite, make sense in my head. And with that said, let's move onto the Monday's RAW.


So this week we started off with Ambrose going on a rant about how he would love to be in a cage with Rollins, but there is one problem he still has to face, John Cena. I don't know if that's is just me, but is Dean starting to suffer from overexposure? I might not pay a whole lot of attention to the reactions of people in the crowds, but correct me if I am wrong, are they starting to die down? I do remember Ambrose coming out to a huge ovation and now week by week it seems it's getting weaker, and if I am right, I completely understand why it is happening. The whole story between Ambrose and Rollins, cause Cena was there just to close his part that started at the Brock match, has been done completely backwards. WWE doesn't want to bring too much attention to the fact their main champion is not there and will not be there, most likely until January, so what do they do? Instead of making Seth Rollins an actual star, instead of having him fighting long, interesting matches to gather more attention and to actually give him a reason to be there... They make him a typical pussy-heel hiding behind the boss and make him seem like he cannot do anything by himself by almost always having him show up with someone next to. That doesn't build interest, that makes us, the viewers, lose interest in a character. That makes the character lose credibility, credibility, which doesn't come back from beating on jobbers no one cares about in the first place. And from Ambrose perspective, we have a rather good worker, although I will admit, I never been a fan of his (not in the indies and not in WWE), who is chasing that pussy-heel every week and every week having nothing much to say in terms of new content. People say John Cena is repeatable and while that might be true, it took him quite a few years to get to that point, Ambrose on the other hand is already there. Every time I see him, in my mind I can say whatever he has to say, before he actually says anything. And people aren't as dumb as they seem, they start to notice that. It was starting to happen to Daniel Brian before he got injured and it was starting to happen to Roman Reigns before he got injured. Yeah, I might be ranting, but that is how I feel about it.


Dean Ambrose and John Cena vs The Usos vs The Dust Brothers

The first match of the night was set up by the Authority to be a triple threat tag team match. The on came idea was to see if Ambrose and Cena can co-exist in a team and not kill each other, that was the idea at least. In practice it was more of a prolonging the feud between Usos and both Dusts and I can't complain really. It was a good match, lots of tag-ins and fast paced action. Again the best part of RAW seem to be at the start. Are they doing this on purpose or what? We will definitely see a tag match for the title soon between the pairs of brothers. After the match Triple H and Stephanie come out to announce that later this episode we will get a "Contract on a pole match" and the winner will face Rollins in Hell in a Cell. 

Winners: Dean Ambrose and John Cena


AJ Lee and Layla vs Paige and Alicia Fox

We had here a match that was, I think, meant to further the story between Paige and AJ, but it failed. There wasn't enough time given to build an actual connection, even the negative one. In what we are given, everything just turns out to be half-assed, like the ladies that were in the match. During everything Layla walks off and leaves AJ alone to show how does... that... feel? I think... They did allude to the situation from last week when AJ did that to Emma, but if that was meant to teach AJ a lesson, why did she came out on top in the end? What was even the point of this?

Winners: AJ Lee and Layla


Dolph Ziggler vs Randy Orton - Jack Swagger vs Seth Rollins

This match and the one after that were interlinked in a way. Orton asked Authority before it, to get the loser of the contract match later in a Hell in a Cell, cause both Cena and Ambrose can both beat Rollins any day of the week, but they can't beat Orton. That kind of set up what happened during this match, when Rollins came out and looked from the sidelines then at the end attacked Ziggler and then Orton did the same during Seth's match, attacking Swagger at the end. Both matches were good, but had a similar construction: dominate, get dominated, dominate and win, then after attack. Good matches and possibly setting up the feud of Orton vs Rollins in the future, which might be interesting.

Winners: Randy Orton/Seth Rollins


Big Show vs Rusev

I will not change my opinion about anything Rusev is involved with until they change the tune of his storylines. This is just a dick tugging competition and I couldn't care less about this storyline taken straight from 1980's. Mark Henry comes out to help Big Show and attacks Rusev in the process causing the DQ. After that Show knocks out Rusev with a punch.

Winner: Rusev by DQ


Sheamus vs The Miz 

They are definitely trying set up the match between Sheamus and Miz for the title with those matches and this one was watchable, but I just don't like to see Miz. Again, the biggest reaction in this was for Damian Sandow playing as Miz's stunt double. At the end they both dive under the ring and Sheamus grabs Sandow in the commotion, which allows Miz to crawl under the ring and get back in it to the take the win by a count out. I so don't care about Mizanin, from what I heard there was a time when literally everyone in the locker room wanted to punch him in the face, so I cannot be the only one.

Winner: The Miz


Nikki Bella, Cameron and Summer Rae vs Brie Bella, Natalya and Naomi

You cannot tell me this was it... All the build up between the Bellas, all the wasted time on their wooden acting, all the fucking segments ruined by them and you are telling me that the culmination to that was in a throwaway, thrash match on RAW? Not that I would like to see that, but not even on a PPV? Not even in a singles match? For fucks sake, what's wrong with you people!? Not going to touch it, and you shouldn't either, you don't want to risk catching stupid.

The winners: Brie Bella, Natalya and Naomi


Dean Ambrose vs John Cena - Contract on a pole match

This was just bland. They literally didn't do anything interesting. We had the Authority at the side of the ring, we had Orton, Kane and Rollins, so we all saw this will not end clean and it didn't. We all knew Cena is there only to close his part of the story and move away for Ambrose and Rollins and he did. Everything went exactly the way it was meant to go. I could go on, but there just isn't a point. It was a bland, predictable match. There was no surprises, nothing exciting. 

Winner: Dean Ambrose



Like I wrote last week, it is an off season and it is painfully obvious it is. Roster feels empty even thought we know it is not and almost nothing is really going on. I was saying this for years and I will say it again... WWE needs an actual "off-season", a real one, where people can get some time off, heal up before they injure themselves and rest before they burn out. it's just bad, it's another week in a row where RAW feels like a replay. Another week, where the only parts really worth watching are at the start and at the end. I'm serious! Check the line ups from the previous shows and tell me I am wrong. Besides a few minor differences here and there, it's like the same thing over and over and it pisses me off. 

Overall: 3 out of 10 - Watch if you really have nothing better to do

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