poniedziałek, 27 kwietnia 2015

Extreme Rules - Thoughs After

As you might have noticed, I don't really write all that much here in recent times. It's not because I don't have anything to say, not at all, quite the opposite. The problem is that a lot of the things I do have to say, are pretty much things I have been saying for a long time now and I don't like to repeat myself. That is the advantage I have over "corporate" columnists, I don't have deadlines and expectations, I write only when I want to, whenever it is I want to.

This will not be a full review, but just few, brief thoughts I had after watching WWE Extreme Rules. Now unlike a huge part of the internet wrestling community, I didn't really minded what was going on there, but there is a couple things I want to address.

First thing is the "Kiss me arse" match. While the fight was quite decent, I just don't get the point. Since there was no chance of the stipulation to even be executed, and there is no way it could've been, at least in the "kayfabe" world, was there even a point for it being a thing? Think about it. We spent a lot of time building this match up, a lot of writing, TV time and wasted energy went into making it a thing. And what happened? WWE didn't deliver. Now, don't get me wrong, I absolutely HATE stipulations like this, but if you ink out something, you better make it happen. Making a stipulation just for the sole fact of having any stipulation is just stupid.

The next thing I would like to say something about was the Cena - Rusev stipulation. I don't mind admitting that this used to be an angle I was a fan of, used to be. Since they went full on "USA vs. Russia" mode, everything became so bland and uninteresting. The weekly open challenges don't carry much weight, when you know that no matter what happens in between, at the PPV event the title is going to be fought over by the guys who are actually in the storyline. It got so ridiculous that at one point they almost actually said it is exactly like that. With John Cena coming out to the ring and talking about how Rusev wants his rematch at Extreme Rules. There was no suspense, there was no drama build up. It was just "go from A to Z and stop by B, C, D...". And now we will get another match, match that has no reason to happen anymore. Rusev lost his rematch, he has no loose ends to tie up, the story should be finished. But now, at Payback, we will get an "I Quit Match" with the two. And until then, what? More of the open challenges that no one has a shred of doubt how will be finished?

Moving on there is Roman Reigns. He still has his doubters, but I do believe that given !proper! treatment, he has great future to come. One thing I don't want to happen is another Big Show match. This angle has run dry for a while now and there is literally nothing WWE could do to freshen it up. At this point of his career Big Show has only his size that still keeps him employed. He grew older, he got slower, he isn't really impressive anymore and became basically a very one dimensional character. Roman needs a new opponent, someone from whom he can actually learn and with whom he can evolve. Daniel Bryan was a good example of someone like that, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Brock Lesnar might come back, but he will be going after Rollins and Reigns doesn't really have much to grab on to make him involved with them. There are only two ways for Roman now, either he gets involved with the mid card feuds or WWE invents some forced way to stick him into the title picture.

The rest of the event was ok, as I said, I didn't really mind it. If anyone expected a spectacle of brutality and bloody gore, they are morons. If someone wanted to see an event where some of the lesser used stipulations are being used, I guess they got exactly that. And for the rest of viewers, well, there are always other options to explore.

środa, 1 kwietnia 2015

Post Wrestlemania 31/RAW thoughts

This will not be a typical review, as all of those have already been written about what went on on the "Grandest stage of them all" and you can find lot of truth in them, if you look through the fingers. I decided to wait with writing anything about the event until the motions cool down, until I get the fallout from the RAW next day, until everyone who has anything to say about it, already said everything they had to say about it. I needed my time to think. 

With pretty much almost all that is to say about the even already been said, I can focus on thoughts, rather than events themselves and I do like to be in that kind of situation. In the past days there has been a lot of praise being sent to the WWE on the what we witnessed and some of it is earned, I will not dwell on the hypocrites that went out of their way to flack WWE for everything and now are almost bending over to suck their managerial penis. I am not one of those people. I never saw this years Wrestlemania as a tragedy, but a very uninspired period of time in sports entertainment, my mind has not been persuaded to think otherwise and I can still see past the smoke and mirrors. 

When it comes to what went on on Sunday, as I expected, everything was rather average, mediocre even at times. And still, a bunch of people liked it, some even say this was the best even in year. That is just lying to yourself, but let's leave the delusions of some for a different day. Maybe they feel so good about it, because in comparison the previous months were just bad overall? Maybe. Among the matches we got, there was a lot of good work done and no one can deny it. My gripe is not with the wrestlers, not with the performers, not with the commentators (kind of), not with the referees. I have a problem with how those in charge decided to write the scenarios and book the matches.  Now I see no reason to really talk about every match, but there is a few that just don't sit right.

The match 14 years in the making was pointless, no, really, think about it. When you had Triple H and Sting in the ring, you expected to get some kind of motivation, any kind of threat, have the stakes high and there wasn't anything like that. We got an ok match from the craft point of view. Taking into account the age of both men participating, it was better than most expected and that's a good thing. What wasn't a good thing was the intervention in the middle of it. Sure it was a nice thing to see, New World Order vs. Degeneration X, one problem with this one though... Everyone in that set up, except for Hulk Hogan, is good friends with Triple H. There was no reason for Hall and Nash to go out there to help Sting... None, nada, null. And due to respect I have to all involved I will not dwell on how bad it looked when all those guys, CLEARLY pass their prime got into each others faces. It was bad, and I will leave it at that. Some say it was a nostalgia moment, I say it was just a waste of the weeks we spent watching the build for this match in the past weeks. Not only that, but the ending for this match made me feel disgusted with what I saw, honestly - and I am not even exaggerating - I almost turned off Wrestlemania completely. Triple H winning was a slap to the face in it's own merit, showing that since they own Sting now, they will shit even more, than they already did in the past years, on WCW. They bought the company all those years ago and now they own Sting as well. What made the ending even more stupid and sad, was that Sting after a loss due to taking a shot with a sledgehammer to the head, just stood up and shook hands with the old Big Nose. Sure this isn't unheard of between rivals to happen, but the circumstances made it just an idiotic gesture to make. And no, I will not look at this through nostalgia goggles. Adding insult to injury after RAW the next day in an interview Sting said that he hopes WWE has anything else for him to do and if they don't that would be a shame. That just makes me shake my head... The Icon Sting pretty much just bent over and took WWE's cock up his ass and begged for more. 

I was correct on the outcome for the Cena-Rusev match and I am happy I had been. The match was a very decent one and the outcome really gives us a lot of opportunities for the future. Having Cena carry the US title very effectively takes him out from the main event picture for at least a few months. At the same time it releases Rusev to start moving up, since he quite effectively grew out of midcard status and needs to go to bigger things. We definitely will get a rematch, most likely at Extreme Rules and I do hope the results from Mania stay. Of course now that Rusev is no longer the undefeated, like it or not, WWE will have to tweak his gimmick or he will fall into obscurity. Another good thing about what happened is that now we will really be able to see if Rusev can create a more three dimensional character outside of "Me Russian, me better than American". That is really the guy I am worried about being ready for the big leagues.

The guy I am not worried about being ready on the other hand is the guy everyone was saying he isn't, Roman Reigns. In the match with Brock he showed us that he is capable of hanging around with the big dogs and despite what the haters constantly tried to say about this, the match was exactly what you should expect to become. Some say Roman almost got no offense in and while that is the truth, those people don't see the bigger picture. Brock Lesnar was the problem here, he was booked so strong in the past year that there wasn't really any other way to write this match. Lesnar had to be this dominant beast and any offense Reigns got in only made sense after he wounded Brock and got him staggering. It also showed that while Reigns didn't get too much attack, he held up to the suplexes and blows Lesnar was dishing out, which - like it or not - bought him a couple extra supporters. The cashing in by Rollins was also a good move by WWE, in a way they ate the cake and still got the cake. Lesnar no longer can hold WWE hostage, we will finally against see the champion more then once every few months and it wasn't Reigns that took the title of Lesnar. Pretty much everything the fans had problems with solved. And I'm ok with that. What transpired the next day personally I would book completely different. Rollins comes out and brags about winning the title, then we have Lesnar come out and nervous Rollins. Lesnar says "Don't worry boy, I'm not here to hurt you. Enjoy your five minutes of fame, I have a rematch for that *points at the title* so keep that in mind, but today I have other business to finish. Rollins leaves and Lesnar calls out Reigns. That way we could have Seth focus on the angle with Orton to build up some credibility he lost after being booked like a bitch for months and Roman gets more time to build his position up as the top babyface in the company. 
The story they made is not something I like, but I guess we have to deal with it now.

I am not going to write too much about the Battle Royal outside of that it was booked really badly. Hideo Itami who made his debut in main roster got the bitch treatment in his first showing to a big part of WWE fans and got easily disposed off. Cesaro, the winner of the match the previous year didn't even make it to final three, Ryback and Mark Henry got eliminated quickly, Kane almost haven't done anything and was there pretty much just to be there, Sandow who essentially should have won this - since they actually are doing something with his character - lost to Big Show, for whom this win means pretty much nothing and will be worth next to nothing by the next few months.

Outside of that, there isn't anything I really felt like saying. The "oh-so-hyped" by the IWC ladder match did not deliver and in terms of ladder matches, which always been a cluster fuck, was pretty dull. It was good overall, but was not a show-stealer, as was supposedly meant to happen. Randy vs. Rollins was good, Tag Team match was fun as usual, Diva match was... there, Taker vs. Wyatt lost a bunch by having the match happen before sun went down and due to Bray's injury. 
Where to go now? I have some ideas, but since it's clear WWE will do anything they feel like doing, regardless if it makes sense or not, I will bring them up when I will feel they are appropriate to share. 

When it comes to Wrestlemania this year we definitely didn't get the spectacle we all wanted to get and the build up to it was lacking as well. It didn't have much of the "special" feeling. The RAW after Mania had also grown certain type of expectations to it and it was barely above the usual. Supposedly the Mania and after Mania crowds are the best and all I wanted to chant at them was "overrated" and when they started the chant that they are awesome all I said was "oh get over yourselves, we had better crowds on regular RAWs".