wtorek, 23 września 2014

Monday Night RAW 22 September 2014

How does it feel when you are right about something? Should you gloat because of it and brag about it? Well I will not, even thought I have a perfectly good reason to do so, a few of them actually.  I have watched RAW and well, here are a couple thoughts I had while doing that:

During the episode it was very clear to see WWE is trying to hide the fact Brock Lesnar is not there and will not be there. They tried to cover that fact up and they failed to do so. I mean really, couldn't even get Paul Heyman to pretend Brock gives a shit about the company? But let's start from the top.

RAW begun with the returning Ambrose, saying how he wants Seth Rollins and won't go anywhere until he gets him. Out came Cena saying he also wants Rollins and he will get in Ambrose's way. They teased a fight for a few seconds and that brought out the Authority, Rollins included. Triple H started to lay out a few things for tonight and Cena says that tonight he's kicking Seth's ass and starts rushing down with Ambrose towards Rollins. Seth runs away and eventually gets into a car and drives away.

This segment was not bad, but it was missing something, a greater meaning so to speak. Putting Cena with Dean in the ring, kind of on the same page, should rub on Dean, show that he can stand tall in the big leagues. After the break up of the Shield, Ambrose was the one seriously lacking in direction and maybe the current situation with Reigns could be beneficial to him. Still it was quite obvious who has the bigger bark in WWE, with Cena being the one to stop and mouth off to Triple H. This whole segment leads to two matches: Orton vs Cena and Kane vs Ambrose. I really hope Randy Orton's line at the end "Tell the golden boy to not start fires we have to put out" means that he might be splitting away from the group. It's not good for him in any way, shape or form. He is seen as a hired goon and not a serious opponent. After the match against Jericho at Night of Champions, Orton reminded me that he can go, when he feels like it. The match against Kane and Randy ended as expected, with Rollins interfering first into the match against Dean and then with both Kane and Rollins going after Cena in the main event against Orton. I get it why this whole episode was centered around Seth Rollins, I really do, but I really couldn't care less about him right now. Since splitting the Shield he won the briefcase and other than that did absolutely nothing. I understand WWE has some kind of long term plan, at least I hope they do, but for now I am simply unimpressed. All I hope for is that we actually do get to see the actual champion, cause you know... I kind of care about that.

Ok, here's what I don't understand. What is the point of taking the championship off someone, just to give them the belt back the next night? Cause that is exactly what happened between Dolph Ziggler and The Miz. I know I was saying Miz doesn't deserve to hold a title now and I am not backing down from that statement, but if he won it, he should hold onto it, at least for a while. Playing ping-pong with a championship, no matter which one (unless it a rule, like the hardcore title had 24h/7 rule), doesn't make the people involved look good. It makes them look weak, the championship worthless and basically blocks the championship from other competitors, cause the one who loses it, always has a rematch clause. As I said on more than one occasion, The Miz is not going to happen, no matter what WWE does, who they pair him with or what kind of belt he will carry, it just will not happen. Or maybe it was all only to raise the meaning of the PPV fallout RAW, since the actual champion couldn't care less. The match itself was ok-ish, but didn't really feel like there was any urgency to it.

Another thing I am still confused about is what is going on with Jack Swagger and Bo Dallas. They obviously have a feud, and obviously Swagger should be winning it every time, since he is a bigger name. Adding to that, I know it is a part of this feud, basically what it started it, constantly reminding us that Jack lost to Rusev and had a couple big matches with him only shows us how little meaning this little feud has. Plus, even though I know it won't happen, I can't stop the feeling that it should be Jack who defeats Rusev. Since the whole Rusev character and story based on "Rocky 4", maybe the story could take a big loop and finish with Jack building himself up again and going after the Russian once more. I know, I know, no chance of this happening, but wouldn't it be fun? For now all we had was a rematch from he previous night, that was virtually pointless. I mean really, Henry all riled-up couldn't beat Rusev at Night of Champions when he was 100% and he had all the support in the country, but we were meant to believe he could do it now...? After he stood there looking miserable and apologizing and admitting he is not 100% physically? I don't buy it. I never did, I never will. How can a story that so much time and money went into, have so little to back it up?

But hey, let's get stop talking about recaps, and get back to the recap. Sheamus and the Usos versus Cesaro and the Dust Brothers. I have only three things to say about this match... One, we have seen it already a few times. Two, it was a pretty fun match with quality action going on. Three... it was no where near the matches all involved had the previous night. Still worth a watch if you are someone that actually does care about decent in-ring work. 

I really dislike talking about two things, completely pointless segments/matches and diva matches (not women matches mind you, just what they do in WWE). And this episode had those... We had the obligatory Total Divas shove down the throats in Summer Ray vs Natalya, we had the unbearable Bella Twins continuation - this time it was about the name Bella. Yay! Let's fight for the rights to the name that isn't even real - and of course the Divas Championship portion of the show I like to call "we might know a thing or two about wrestling, but for some reason we just can't manage to show it... Umm... Look how we bend to show our non-existent asses!" in Aj Lee and Paige. Just glorious... Of course that was not everything. There was another match, this one was between Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil against Adam Rose and... The Bunny. Yes, it is as stupid as it sounds like and yes, Rose and the Bunny win...


Overall this was what was expected. A post pay per view RAW with mostly rematches from the previous night. WWE tried and failed to hide the fact Lesnar didn't show and as a fan, I see it as a slap to the face. But it's their circus and their monkeys. 

poniedziałek, 22 września 2014

WWE Night of Champions 2014 Review

So I did watch the Night of Champions and I can honestly say, I might have insider information, cause I predicted everything except the main event perfectly. But honestly, it was very predictable, I was even able to predict Seth Rollins's involvement. So yeah, on the surprising aspect, Night of Champions failed badly, but when the quality should be judged, they managed to hold their own. Onto the review!


1. The Usos vs The Dust Brothers for the Tag Team Championship

The match itself was very enjoyable and gave us everything it promised. We had action, we had flying, we had drama and by the end, we have new tag team champions. There was only one problem I saw here, we HAVE seen this match on more then one occasion. That is the problem when you don't treat your tag team division seriously, existing teams have to fight each other all the time. What that does is make the crowd expect certain things and lose a lot of excitement over a match, because they already saw it. Nonetheless, I will not take anything away from the match. Both teams looked great and I am sure the rematch will be just as fun to watch.

The winners and the new Tag Team Champions: The Dust Brothers


2. Sheamus vs Cesaro for the United States Championship


Well what can be said about this match? It was near perfect for what it was. The in-ring work was excellent from both opponents. This was definitely match of the night. Sadly Cesaro had no chance of winning and we all knew it. As I wrote in my predictions piece WWE gave up on Cesaro for now and he was going into this with a basically guaranteed loss. The crappy build for this didn't help either. But, like I said, this was a great match, the only thing that stopped it from being perfect was that bad build.

The winner and still the United States Champion: Sheamus


3. Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship 

This match was very unlucky. Following a very good tag match and a great US title match, it didn't have a chance really. And just to be clear, the problem was not Dolph, I blame this on the Miz. I have seen interviews and a lot of people that had the "pleasure" of working with Miz, have a rather negative opinion on him. I seriously will never understand why WWE is trying to make him happen, when he clearly proved that he will not happen, ever. Good effort from Dolph and an unwarranted loss. 

The winner and the new Intercontinental Championship: The Miz


4. Mark Henry vs Rusev

This was just a dick waving contest. I am sorry, but that is how I will see each Rusev match until they actually give him something to do, other then be the big, bad Russian-Bulgarian. It was a very typical squash match, but with Henry the formula just doesn't work. Who's next? Big Show? O r are we going straight for Cena?

The winner: Rusev


5. Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho

Thi was just pure fun match. Absolutely no pressure. Jericho is taking a break, so it was obvious he will lose and Randy had nothing to gain really. What we seen was a great, enjoyable match. Very good chemistry between the two and all what was missing was something to fight for, but maybe it was better this way. I am satisfied after seeing it and have no problems. In-ring work was very good and even though predictable, it still managed to raise my excitement levels. 

The winner: Randy Orton


6. Paige vs Aj Lee vs Nikki for the Divas Championship

Like I wrote before, adding Nikki to the match gave nothing back. It didn't raise the stakes, cause we all knew she won't win. It didn't raise the excitement, cause we all know she isn't very good. It added nothing, just made the match unnecessary complicated. Paige and Aj were the center of attention and that is how it should be. Wonder what will happen at the rematch? Will we get a normal, singles match, or will Stephanie do something to fuck it up.

The winner and new Divas Champion: Aj Lee


7. Brock Lesnar vs John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

So, yeah, this happened. I liked this match far better then the previous one, but on the other hand it doesn't make much sense. So before WWE let Lesnar make a complete pussy out of Cena and that was a no-no. You don't make your champion look like a bitch, unless you want to remove that person from the title picture, as we know, this didn't happen. Lesnar got a monster build after he devastated Cena, from the logic stand point, there was literally way for Cena to have any chance in the rematch, but we have Vince. Vince wanted to make Cena look strong, so we had the couple weeks of very strong booking for John, which in turn lowered the status of Brock - now that destruction of Cena didn't seem like much. Now we had this match in which the much stronger Cena put some actual offense and it wasn't as one sided. It was a much better match. Then we had the Seth Rolling intervention and the WWEWHC title was defended through DQ, hate it when that happens. Now we have a situation in which Cena doesn't have a claim anymore for the title, but this match ended without conclusion. I have no doubts that WWE can get Cena a way to hook into the title out again, but for now, Lesnar has no challenger. Rumors say Cena will go after Rusev, is it true? I guess we will see it at RAW.

Winner of the match: John Cena

Still the WWE World Heavy Weight Champion: Brock Lesnar



Overall this event was nicely executed and besides a match or two that could have been skipped, I am glad I've seen it. There was some very good action and the card gave more then was expected. I will rate the event on 7 out of 10, it really deserves it.

wtorek, 16 września 2014

Night of Champions 2014 Predictions

At the time of writing this it's Tuesday 16 of September 2014 22:00

So Night of Champions is getting closer, why not play a bit of prediction game, everyone does it, why not me. I will be only using the officially announced and available matches from the Wiki page of the event and in order presented there.

Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship - This one is hard, not because the outcome could be so unpredictable, but because it is so very predictable. All logic would point at Lesnar, but there is a problem with him, he is part time, doesn't do house shows and is on TV only from time to time. There is a lot of rumors surrounding this match and depending on if you believe in rumors or not, certain things could happen. First of all, if Lesnar wins, then he will hang onto the title until Royal Rumble in January, but that would mean that there would be no top champion at any house shows for the next three months and only sometimes on TV. Would WWE really risk such a move? Plus we need to remember how much money Lesnar takes for basically a legends schedule, would WWE really give him that kind of cash just to have him there? And there is the question about Rollins, who could always cash in. But getting to the point. Personally I heard only four actually believable rumors about this match:
  • A) WWE secured Lesnar for more dates, so they will keep the title on him.
  • B) Lesnar wins, but Rollins cashes in and gets the belt.
  • C) Cena wins to keep the champion active.
  • D) Cena wins, but Rollins cashes in.
Those are probable scenarios, but each one presents a problem, a problem named Brock Lesnar.
In scenario "A" WWE basically is left without a champion at house shows, cause like I wrote before, he doesn't do house shows and is barely on TV. That could of course mean that midcard could get some attention, which would be good, but I don't know if that is such a great idea. WWE would need to find someone to feud with Lesnar and at this moment, besides Cena, only Reigns is big enough name for the match to even matter. And we all know WWE wants to save Reigns for later, but maybe if they won't have a choice.
Option "B" means that Rollins would need a face turn, cause winning the title from Lesnar will either turn Brock face or Seth - WWE doesn't do heel vs heel matches.and someone would need to be the bad guy in the rematch.
Variant "C" means that we could and most likely would need to see another Cena-Lesnar match, cause the champion has a rematch option. While I don't really see anything wrong with that, as long as it will be actually a good one, there might be a problem of what to do next. If Cena would win, Brock would get a rematch next month and if he would win the title back, Cena would get a rematch as well. But if Cena wins now and defends in a rematch in a month, Lesnar is out from the title picture and WWE doesn't really have anything to do with him at that point.
Situation "D" is my least favorite option, cause at that point we have an almost guaranteed three way or maybe even four way. Lesnar lost, so he gets a rematch, Cena lost, so he gets a rematch as well.  I would really dislike that kind of solution, cause that would really hurt Rollins.
Winner in my opinion: Brock Lesnar (but Cena would be a better choice)

2. Sheamus vs Cesaro for the United States Championship - Well, what can you say about Cesaro? He's a great talent, has great potential... and got completely screwed by WWE and their booking. After winning the Andre the Giant over the top Battle Royale, he got all the momentum behind him, he was exciting, enjoyable, the crowd loved "the swing"... So WWE naturally decided to turn him heel and ruin everything by putting him with Paul Heyman, who got the job to promote the shit about Brock. Cesaro became less and less relevant and eventually Heyman even stopped coming out with him at all to the ring. Now Cesaro is just another guy. I have no doubt it should be a nice match, but I really don't have big hopes for title to change hands.
Winner in my opinion: Sheamus

3. Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship - WWE is trying to make Miz happen over, and over, and over, and constantly fails to do so. Give up people, Miz is not happening. On the other hand we have Dolph who did happen, but WWE is too stupid to see that. I am also afraid that this could be the Kofi Kingston situation, where winning the title is not actually a good thing. Still, Dolph deserves the title much more then Miz, but seeing how WWE just can't admit defeat, they might try changing that again.
Winer in my opinion: The Miz (but I do hope it doesn't happen)

4. Paige vs Aj Lee vs Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship - Or as I like to call it "Overhyped, Overrated and Overexposed". There is no reason to put Nikki Bella in this match, absolutely no reason, but she is on Total Divas, so she has to be in the match. Nikki will not win, she was inserted into the bout without any real explanation and is there only so Total Divas can be relevant. I really don't have any strong feeling about this match and really don't care much who will win. Aj has a rematch, if she doesn't win it, she's out from the title picture and looking at the current diva roster... Let's hope Aj wins.
Winner in my opinion: Aj Lee

5. Mark Henry vs Rusev - I tried to get invested into this whole story, I really tried, but I just can't help myself and don't give a shit. This is a horrible storyline, horribly executed, it would be dated 20 years ago, not to mention now. I see no reason for Henry to win, so by default my vote goes to the Russian-Bulgarian.
Winner in my opinion: Rusev

6. The Usos vs Dust Brothers for the World Tag Team Championships - What can be said about this match? We seen it on more then one occasion, we know it will be fun to watch, but do we really care about the winner? I know, I know, someone has to win. The Usos are the better team here, but Dust Brothers only recently had a heel turn, they could use a victory to keep themselves relevant.
Winner in my opinion: Goldust and Stardust

7. Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton - This has potential to be great. We have Chris Jericho, who after this match goes away for a while, so that basically means we know who wins, but no matter. Orton is not the greatest in ring performer, but he can do fun things when he wants to and with Jericho and the fact this match is just "for fun" we could see a very decent spectacle.
Winner in my opinion: Randy Orton

8. Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins - i don't have much to say about this. The winner will be determined depending on how much does WWE actually believe in Roman. He needs as many wins against credible opponents as he can get, if they want him to be the next best thing. He needs to build his credibility as a wrestler, even though he is very limited.
Winner in my opinion: Roman Reigns

Sin #9: The death of kayfabe

As wrestling fans we heard the term “kayfabe” often enough to know what is means and for those that don’t… To make it short, it’s staying “in character” while appearing publicly. For example, The Undertaker showing up as The Undertaker and being treated like The Undertaker while acting as the Undertaker. Of course his real name is Mark, his current wife’s name is Michelle and Kane is not his real brother, but that is reality, and I am talking about what is presented on screen. That is kayfabe, that is that thing the fans should suspend their disbelief on, that is how wrestling worked for years and it worked great, but that art has basically died in the mainstream wrestling.
Why is that? Well according to people there is at least a couple reasons, like the audience being more mature or the information being more accessible due to Internet, but honestly… I see no reason why it’s not there anymore.
So we have a son of a wrestler for years ago, let’s call him a different name, just because we could market that. If he does become big, he won’t be able to compete under that name outside of our company; but other then that, let’s not change absolutely anything about him. Let’s give him a generic personality, a generic motivation and people will buy it, right?
That’s a basic formula for a wrestler these days, cookie cutter personality, look and motivation, rinse and repeat, copy and paste. My question is, where are the actual characters? Where are the over-the-top characters of yesterday that are so deeply burned into our brains we will never forget them? Everyone will forever remember Andre the Giant, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan to name a few, while nobody will give two shits about 90% of guys and girls in the business today in less then 5 years.
I know the argument that there is no point for kayfabe, since everyone know everything about everyone. There is no reason trying to hide it, some say. Well I disagree. We all know that Undertaker doesn’t have actual magic powers, we all know his name is Mark, we all know he got old and his injuries caught up to him… We know this, but when we see him on screen, when we hear the bell, when the lights go off and when that choir starts to sing, we don’t see Mark William Calaway, we see The Undertaker. Characters create memorable moments, memorable moments create unforgettable experience and that makes it all worth it.
Sadly now we don’t get characters, we get flavors, we get fads. Who was the popular guy a while ago? CM Punk. People were supposed to chant his name everywhere, riot and hijack live programming. Where is that all now? Dead. Who was the popular guy recently? Daniel Brian. People so “hot” for the underdog against authority (what could be more cliché in wrestling…), they were “yes-ing”, they were “no-ing”, where is that all? Dead. Current flavor, the next fad is Roman Reigns, people love to cheer for him. He’s big, he’s strong, he’s explosive… and that’s about all he is. He doesn’t have the “talk”, and in a longer match you can see he doesn’t have much to show either.
You know what I’m saying? That is the problem with flavors, eventually people have enough of eating the same thing over and over and it starts to annoy them, that’s what happened to John Cena. “Fad” is just one letter away from “fade” and with the “monthly flavors” it transforms into that word very fast.
That is why kayfabe is needed, that is why actual characters are needed, that is why even if the whole world knows, it doesn’t matter. Superman isn’t real, nor is Batman, but people love the characters, people remember them, cause they have something distinctive about them, something identifiable even after 10, 20, 30, 40 years… That is what wrestling should be, that is how wrestling was for many years, that is why wrestling needs to go back to creating, not rehashing.

Sin #8: Predictability

Everything in the current product is predictable to the core. Whatever happens we know how it will end. Some people were amazed at how the Shield disbanded, that is was so unexpected, so surprising. And I will only say, no, no it was not. I don’t remember exactly when that was, but last year, when I was still making a wrestling podcast with my friends, I said exactly that “Where can the shield go after they beat everyone? They have to end and it will most likely be done from the inside and I think it will be Rollins that goes the separate way”. The only thing that changed from what I was thinking back then is the roles the trio took. But other then that my prediction was spot on. And yes, I have that recorded and it is online somewhere among almost 100 episodes we did, so no, I am not just spewing bullshit.
Like I started, everything is so painfully predictable that it’s beginning to look like a joke. It reached a point where some guy on some website claims that he supposedly has insider source and tells you the outcomes of the matches. Well guess what, I can do that as well, with over 95% accuracy, does that mean I have my sources as well? No, I just use my brain and the knowledge I gained throughout the years of watching. But really, it doesn’t take 20 years of being a wrestling fan to know what, when and how will happen. All you need to do is watch closely and look at the possible outcomes.
And that is the problem, if people know what will happen, what is their incentive to keep being excited? For me that is quality of matches themselves, as luckily it still can be found here and there. But let’s be honest, having the same match over and over on my screen is not what I consider fun.
What? Everything has been done, so it’s natural “creative” is rehashing old ideas or being predictable with their plans? That’s bullshit. Not everything has been done and even if, there is always a way to put a new spin on old concepts to make them interesting, enjoyable and yes, even unpredictable. And yes, I know a thing or two that could be done, but hey, that’s not an information I will share publicly or for free.

Sin #7: Wasting the veterans

This one was meant to go a bit later, but with the return of Chris Jericho I decided to write it now. Why did Chris make me write this? Well, because he is one of the greatest of all time among in-ring performers and he deserves better. He loves this business and would and did sacrifice a lot for it. We know what he did in the past, how he never complained and did what he was supposed to do, but there is a problem with that.
Chris Jericho is known to put over people, because he doesn’t mind, because he actually cares, but you can put over only so many people, before you start to look like a jobber yourself. And when that happens, there is no power behind your “rub”. It’s also important what happens to the people you “rub”. Looking into the recent past, we had Jericho put over Ziggler, who should be thankful he didn’t get cut in recent wave of releases and Fandango, who ended pretty much right after he started. Don’t get me wrong, this is obviously not the wrestlers fault. Fandango needed some toning down of the dancer gimmick and Ziggler will never get anywhere with that name. They both could’ve worked out, but WWE decided to shove Fandango down everyone throats and we puked it out rather fast. What happened to Ziggler is just another examples how soap opera writers should never, and I mean EVER, write a wrestling show, again. They’ve put him into a relationship angle, in today’s wrestling that is mostly a career killer, cause no one cares.
Of course there is also CM Punk who Jericho did put over, but Punk already was a big name, so he didn’t need a “rub”.
Chris Jericho, is a great performer, he is the best in the world at what he does, but he lost a lot of his in-ring credibility. When you lose to somebody who 2 years later, a year later means so little he is involved with a crappy Diva storyline, how can you be treated seriously? Well, I still respect the hell out of Y2J, but I notice as well, that he just doesn’t have that power behind him. It’s like what was going out with Kane. Kane agreed to put over everyone and by now, he just doesn’t carry that “main event” badge anymore. There is a lot of speculation about the current role of Jericho, but it’s quite clear that a program with Wyatt family is going to happen and most likely Jericho will, again, put someone over.
It’s just a waste, if you take an edge from the knife you have a piece of dull metal. You might be able to do a few things with it, but it’s simply better to sharpen it. Jericho needs a high profile match win, to regain some “rubbing” power. On the other hand, the Wyatts are nothing but losing all the time, they need an actual win as well.
Jericho of course isn’t the problem here, I used him just as an example to turn your eyes and really open them to actually see the problem.

Sin #6: Lack of foresight

What this one is about? Well… Imagine you watch your favorite wrestling program, everything is pretty much the usual stuff and then… Someone new/in new gimmick appears. At first you are skeptical, but after few weeks the character is starting to grow on you, starts to cement it’s persona in your brain as what you see, you start to like the guy/girl. And then the “creative fuckers” rise their ugly heads and make the character do something completely out of the left field. Now don’t get me wrong, character changes for wrestlers are not anything special, but when they happen with no rhyme or reason? That’s just shitty writing. It shows that the person responsible doesn’t know what the hell is he/she doing.
Creative these days seem to like playing with turds, throwing them at a wall. Just pick one up, throw it and see how much sticks, but is it really what it comes to? Wasting money, television time for an experiment that will most likely fail? Why most likely? Cause they usually do. From the top of my head the example of Ryback comes to mind. He re-debuted as Ryback and got all the momentum in the world, at one point one of the biggest rumors was that due to the similarities between them, Bill Goldberg will come out of the retirement and face Ryback at Wrestlemania. He was the next best thing… And then what happened? “Creative fuckers” happened, that’s what. They decided to turn Ryback heel and pretty much killed all the momentum, all the support the guy started to get. Now he is just “another big guy”, just another guy that if disappeared no one would notice, no one would care. Months of build up, crapload of money down the drain, all because of stupid people and their shitty writing. But hey, at least they fired the one responsible, right?

Sin #5: Complete lack of interest in a real tag team division

Hello? Is there anything in that empty bucket you call head? For something to be called a tag team division there needs to be quite a few more of actual tag teams available. Why? For the sole reason to make the matches interesting. If you have 4-5 tag teams you basically have 4-5 matches that look almost exactly the same each and every time. You constantly have the same people holding the belts, you constantly have the same people trying to get the belts. How much excitement can the crowd have for a match they seen 500 times already and will see 500 times more? And when the crowd doesn’t react to a tag team, what do you do? You blame the team for the lack of interest from people. With all the respect I have inside me to the performers, there is only SO much they can do. If you have them in the ring 200-300 times a year, there’s a limit to what they can do, the material will get stale, people will begin to say “we’ve seen that”, there will be less and less reaction, there will be silence. But the blame is of course on the wrestlers side, right?
Tag team wrestling has a great history and even today there are some tag teams that work great together. Too bad they won’t work together very long, cause as soon as the officials notice the lack of crowd involvement, they make the stupidest decision possible, they split the team. Of course they could analyze “why it happened?”, change something either in the gimmick or something else, but why bother with using those moronic brains. You get no crowd reaction after your 200th match against the same opponent in a row? Well obviously you don’t work well together, so time to split you up. Bull-fucking-shit.
And while we are on the subject of tag team, do we really need that cookie cutter formula of matches? Copy, paste… times 5000. Here’s the formula: when match starts, the face has an advantage, then the heels dominate, then we get a near-tag for the faces, then heels dominate, then we get a hot tag for the faces. After that, depending on who is meant to win it’s either a hot-tagged face kicking ass and going for the pin, or a heel stopping the pin and winning. Rinse and repeat. I have seen that formula in the works so many times that I can actually call it with 95% timing accuracy. And when you constantly have the same people battling each other, I can even call the moves that are gonna happen 95% of the time. 
The state of tag team wrestling in the mainstream… Can’t say it’s non-existing, cause from time to time there are teams that shine for few months, but with lousy, lazy writing and moronic management, everything that’s good, goes to shit very, very fast.

Sin #4: Women cannot be the “main event”

You know what is one thing that pisses me off the most in current “main stream” wrestling? The way women performers are being treated. The history as well as independent scene show that women can and a lot of the time are the main event, are what draws people to watch, are entertaining, are funny, are skilled in the in-ring art as well as on the microphone. But why you never see that in the “main stream” ring? I am a long time fan and I do remember other times, other ways. It saddens me that we don’t really have women-wrestlers in the ring on TV, no… What we have are walking tits, vaginas and asses, a laughable caricature that some people still call a “division”.
What the fuck? What the serious fuck is wrong with you people? This was a strong field in the business, it still is in some place, but nooooo, not in the weekly television. In the TV we need to have attires that would work great at a street corner on a cheap whore, cause that is what you think of women wrestler, right? A cheap whore, that shows her “goods” cause that is all she has? Well fuck you if you do. And after they do swallow their pride what do you do? Give them a 5 minute match, so the viewers at home know when to go take a piss.
What happens during those matches? A shitload of nothing. Every match is the same, no ingenuity, no time, no motivation, no inspiration, definitely no actual care from the management goes into those. Just “who cares” right? Give them 5 minutes of on-screen time (and that includes the entrances and exits), put on them 10 inches of material, oh and the most important thing, make sure they screech and moan a lot, spread their legs and bend over every time they can, so maybe the fathers and teens among the crowd will get a kick out of watching this. Don’t make the commentators care about what they do, make them comment on how they are “bat-shit crazy” or make them find a PG way of saying they look so good, they want to fuck them. Quality TV.
Fuck you, seriously, fuck you, all of you who make that happen every week. Fuck each and every single person that still accepts that. Fuck each and every person that can change the state of mainstream women wrestling and doesn’t do anything with that.
I love wrestling, but I am done pretending things are “Gonna get better, you’ll see next week”.
For the fucknuggets who don’t know, women are capable to captivate the attention of the crowds, they can draw huge crowds, if you actually give them a chance to do it, a fair chance.

Sin #3: No respect for the wrestlers

So I turn on the TV/computer to watch some wrestling, why? Oh I don’t know why, maybe because it has been a huge part of my life for the past 23 years, I grew attached, I care. Is that so hard to understand? Well I can see every week that for you it is hard to understand. Unlike you, I do respect people in the ring, both men and women. Thanks to them my life is just a little less shitty for few hours a week. I don’t care if it is a good guy, bad guy, every person who steps between those ropes to perform deserves and gets all the respect in the world from me and I am sure not just from me.
But why you don’t do the same? Is it so hard to tell the commentators to actually care about what goes inside the ring? Are you seriously so dense, you think we will forget about Triple H’s huge nose from the top of the show? Those people work their asses off for you to stuff your wallets with hard cash, they earn the fucking right for attention when they are in the ring. Don’t talk about your guest hosts, don’t talk about what the “current management” did 2 hours ago. Why it matters? Because commentary is an integral part of every televised or recorded wrestling show. If the people we hear for majority of the transmission don’t care about the in-ring action, they create the image like it doesn’t matter, like what we see in the ring is just a piss break. Well guess fucking what! It’s those “small” matches that very often steal the show, it’s those small matches that people remember for the longest time. Need I remind you the classic WM3 match between Macho Man and Ricky Steamboat? Hulk Hogan was in the main event then, he defeated Andre the Giant, but it’s not that match that people remember the most.
The hardest working people in the business are those men and women you shove into the midcard hell and brush over them, treat them as filler. When it’s them that a lot of the times MAKE your show, MAKE people remember the experience. Bottom line is, get your heads out of your asses and give them some respect, they certainly earned it.

Sin #2: Acting as if people have less than 5 seconds memory

Hey morons! Guess what?! We can reach back to few months, few years ago to check every bullshit you are trying to pull. Are you seriously trying to say something has never happened before? Well excuse me for actually remembering what happened a year ago when XYZ fought ABC. And what do you expect of us? To act oh so surprised when something happens? “John Cena picked up Mark Henry/Big Show/Ryback/Great Khali/every big guy ever… I have never seen anything like this before!”. Are you taking us for idiots? Oh, right, you do. Well we are not, at least not all of us, not most of us. We have more than 5 seconds of memory and when you pull something like that from the inside of your ass we can see that is just lazy writing by the assholes who you call creative.

Sin #1: Treating wrestling as a soap opera

Why the serious fuck are wrestling companies hiring soap opera writers straight from TV? Just because they are airing wrestling shows on TV? That’s just bull and a load of it. Professional wrestling is an art and should be treated as an art, it’s a live show in front of a live crowd, a crowd that can and does react. A true interaction between a performer and the fan. People, wake the fuck up, we are talking here about theater and not about another “Bold and the Beautiful”!
"Theatre or theater is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. The performers may communicate this experience to the audience through combinations of gesture, speech, song, music, and dance. Elements of design and stagecraft are used to enhance the physicality, presence and immediacy of the experience."
Treat wrestlers like real, live performers, do not dumb down their roles in telling a story to the fans by allowing shitty writers rehash for a billionth time the same scenario.