sobota, 13 grudnia 2014

TLC - Tables, Ladders, Chairs... And Stairs - Predictions

Time of writing 21:18 13th of December 2014


Well, I was supposed to post this yesterday, but just didn't have enough time for that, you know... Life. But hey, there is still time to think about it and give you a piece of my mind. As you probably noticed I am not exactly thrilled with the build up and storylines going into the event. Honestly I wouldn't mind if they skipped this completely and used the time to build for the next one. Still, have to work with what was given to me. (the matches are according to the order in the wikipedia article for this event)


1. New Day vs. Dust Brothers

There wasn't exactly a whole lot of build for this one, but since in WWE in recent times tag team tell their stories in the ring, it's not a surprise this one is done so as well. WWE's patience with the Dust Brothers is ending, you can see it clearly that they are itching to press the "SPLIT TAG TEAM" button on them. They are constantly losing for no real reason and that doesn't really mean anything good for a tag team. Plus we do have a new tag team as their opponents and a match where there isn't anything at stake.

Winners: New Day


2. Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt - TLC Match

This match will be a train wreck, I hope no one expects a nice, clean fight, cause neither of the opponents are capable of such, and with the extra items, it will be a train wreck. Of course, that doesn't have to mean anything bad necessarily. A good hardcore match every now and then is nothing to shake a stick at and from what I see that IS something both of them could deliver. I am choosing Bray going over solely because if he does lose, this story is done and Wyatt has nothing to do. At this point of time Ambrose is the bigger star and has bigger fish to fry. And let's be honest here, Wyatt needs this win and he needs it to be a strong one.  

Winner: Bray Wyatt


3. Ryback vs. Kane - Chairs Match

Kane has been used for a long time as the enhancer for the up and coming talent, Ryback is not someone like that, but not counting the Survivor Series, this is the biggest singles match for Ryback since his return and he definitely needs this one to not fall again in the ranks. To problem here is there isn't exactly anyone to go after, after that match. Still, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to not give Ryback the win. Especially with what CM Punk recently said about Ryback injuring him. After those comments WWE probably will want to show that they still believe in him and what Brooks said was not true. 

Winner: Ryback


4. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins - Tables Match, if Cena loses, he loses the no.1 contender for the WWEWHC title spot

Seth Rollins lost a lot in recent weeks with losing the match at Survivor Series, he needs to regain some credibility lost on that. The logical move here will to remove Cena from the title picture so he can focus on other things, since we all know, Brock and John don't really have anything left to show. Plus we have that stipulation that Cena can bring Tripl H and Steph into power. It just all falls into place too neatly, I feel like I am catching the hook on his one, but I do think Cena will lose. Maybe not clean, but I do believe he will put Rollins over.

Winner: Seth Rollins


5. The Miz and Damien Sandow vs. The Usos - For the Tag Team Championships

While I am sure this is not going to be the last confrontation of those two tag teams, I do not doubt the champions will retain. They basically just got it, the "Mizdow" character is getting nice reactions, it would be a shame to take the belts from them. Plus if it does happen, there is little doubt in my mind we will see the two going one on one against each other. The Usos had their year, I think it's not going to matter if they will get the titles again, while it will for the Miz duo.

Winners: The Miz and Damien Sandow


6. Eric Rowan vs. Big Show

Kind of the same reasoning behind this one as with Ryback. Here you do have a guy, who jus started his singles career and needs every win he can get to start building up his credibility. This match has to wind with Big Show going down, but I am capable of seeing a possibility of a different result. I don't think I am wrong on this one though. 

Winner: Eric Rowan


7. Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler - For the Intercontinental Championship

With Ziggler getting a lot more attention in last weeks, I think WWE is thinking of pushing Dolph at least a level higher. If that is true, there is no point for Dolph to keep the midcard title. Of course WWE did try that once in the past and they abandoned the idea back then. Whatever the result will be, I do think Ziggler will see a high point in his career. 

Winner: Luke Harper


8. Rusev vs. Jack Swagger - For the United States Championship

While Rusev has to eventually lose to someone, I really don't think it is the time for it now and I don't think it should be Swagger to do it, unless it happens in the was I planned in my head. The only thing Rusev has right now is that belt and the fact he was never pinned or submitted and if he loses that WWE will have to switch him onto some other task or the month. 

Winner: Rusev


9. Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee - For the Divas Championship

I find myself not caring abut anything a Bella twin touches and this is no exception. Depending on the rumors, AJ might leave WWE soon and if that happens logic dictates that she shouldn't have too much to come back for. 

Winner: Nikki Bella

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