piątek, 21 listopada 2014

Survivor Series 2014 Predictions

What you are about to read was started on Friday, 21st day of November 2014 at 23:06 GMT+1. The card I am using is the one attached to the Survivor Series article on Wikipedia. If any changes will happen after said time, I will not re-write anything.


And here we are, another big event is happening, this time we will get Survivor Series and a traditional, elimination tag team match. While there was a lot of problems with booking, seemed very confused and not really well organised, there might be a couple sparks of interest. But as the saying goes, let's dig straight into Survivor Series, the Predictions... Oh, the matches will be in the order of the Wiki article I am using for reference, so it's not best to last or anything like that.


Preshow Match: Fandango vs. To be announced

Personal perspective: Each time I think about the fact Fandango won with Chris Jericho I cringe and die a little inside. Change his gimmick already. Supposedly Bad New Barrett might be returning here, so maybe it will be worth seeing, at least for that. This is obviously a match without any real weight or meaning. And with the opponent not yet announced it is almost a guarantee, it will be a debut or a return. Whatever the case it might be, there is almost no chance for Fandango to win. At least in my opinion. 

Who will win: Whoever it might be behind the TBA


Team Cena: John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Eric Rowan and Ryback vs. Team Authority: Seth Rollins, Kane, Rusev, Luke Harper, Mark Henry - If Authority wins everyone on Team Cena is fired, except for Cena, if they lose, they are no longer in power.

Personal Perspective: This is obviously the biggest match of the night and rightfully so. There is the biggest starpower in this one and there seems to be the most at stake, at least in storyline, cause outside of that, there is a solid debate about it. While I do understand the reason of putting John Cena as the team captain, I do not agree with this decision. Even looking from the obvious point of view, the heel team. We have the World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry, that had a beef with the Big Show in recent weeks. The pair seems reasonable in storyline, good start. Then we have Rusev, who won the United States title from Sheamus. Another very good pairing, there is a motivation, a reason for Sheamus to be on team Cena... Nah, let's take Sheamus out. We have Luke Harper who got "freed" by Bray Wyatt and captured the Intercontinental title from Dolph Ziggler. While it does give Ziggler a reason to be on the team, that doesn't really give a whole lot of reason to the last two pairs. 

We have Eric Rowan, who literally joined Cena, because reasons. There was no segment pointing into that direction, no interaction between anyone from either teams with him, he just came out and BOOM! He's with Cena. The problem he isn't a surprised appearance by anyone, the problem here comes from the fact that a surprise appearance has to come out from something to make sense. Last time Rowan and Cena had any interaction was a couple months ago on RAW the night after Cena got decimated by Lesnar and they did not act like great friends. There is absolutely no reason for Rowan to become Cena's ally. Rowan would be a far better counterpart to Harper, but since WWE decided to pair Harper with Ziggler, there is a piece missing here from the puzzle. There is a very good chance that Rowan will turn on the face team and if that does happen, there is a chance Randy Orton will make the save for the face team. Why Orton? Because he has a reason to want Authority out of business and this would be the best moment to come back. Plus if Orton makes team Authority lose, it could restart the feud with Seth Rollins and that would give both something to do. 

Another guy there is little reason, outside of "because fuck you, that's why", to join team good guys, is Ryback. While there was a couple interactions between the Big Guy and Cena, there wasn't anything that could make Ryback decide to join. Storyline-wise Authority was telling the truth. They can give him more main event, more title matches, more spotlight, more money. Ryback's current gimmick seems self absorbed and that's good, it suits him, but it doesn't explain why he would want to play for anyone other then him. He even says it himself, Ryback plays only for team Ryback. Adding him might be reasonable to a certain degree, but it seems desperate. 

And then there are the captains of the teams, John Cena and Seth Rollins. First of all this pair doesn't work, it just don't. The only counterpart for Rollins right now is currently busy in a different match. The only thing that connected those two is that after the match with Ambrose, Rollins said he is going after Cena. Ambrose should have been the captain of the team and couple start the program with Rusev, who would be replaced in the heel team by Cesaro.

As I wrote before, there is a very good shot on interference by Randy Orton, so you technically shouldn't set anything in stone, but WWE basically gave the spoiler for this match with the stipulation they added. If Cena loses his team is fired, yeah, right. WWE is not going to fire five workers, it just won't happen, and would they have to fire? That is just not happening. Ryback barely returned and is rebuilding himself after the break, a loss now could waste weeks of work. There is no way they will do this. Plus the whole Authority gimmick is used up. I am taking into account there is a chance of Authority winning and then Vince is reversing the decision or the possibility of a draw and the match ending in a no contest. But I am fed with Steph and HHH every week saying the same things. Authority has to go.

Who will win: The good guys team (but not very clean)


AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella - For the Divas Championship

I really hate myself for saying this, but I want Nikki to win. AJ is just not anything people try to make her to be. She is NOT that good in the ring, she is NOT that good on the microphone and she certainly is NOT looking as good as people like to think she does. The only thing she had going for her was the fact she is the wife of CM Punk and in the eyes of some wrestling fans that is enough to actually mean something. And no, it doesn't mean anything, at least for this wrestling fan. AJ Lee doesn't grow as a performer, she doesn't do anything new, this title run is seriously lackluster. And while I will not back out from saying that the Bella Twins suck on the mic, cause they do, I will give some props to Nikki. Looking objectively and comparing her to the rest of current diva roster, Nikki is standing out, not just because she has fake tits. She actually looks in the ring like she trained to achieve something. I did not like this storyline, I think there was too much emphasis put on the sisters relation then the title, which should be the focal point of any title storyline. Still it might be watchable at least. When it comes to who will win, it all depends. There is that rumor going around that Total Divas will not get titles, because the show is taped so far in advance it wouldn't make sense continuity wise and then we have Brie... It is almost certain at this point that Brie will do something in this match, intentionally or not, to influence the outcome.

Who will win: AJ Lee


Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt

Have I ever said I don't like Bray? Well, I don't like Bray. Or rather I don't like the booking of his character. While with the Wyatt Family, he didn't really achieve anything. Losing pretty much everything he went after. He won that feud with Bryan, but the goal was to have him in the family, he left a week later, so I am not counting this as a win. Other then that, there was that Jericho story, but Jericho will put anyone over, so it's not that big of a deal to win with him. Right now, it seems like Bray will get another bigger push and for better or worse, Dean Ambrose is in the way.

And speaking of Ambrose, why is he getting a downgrade? Cause he is. Dean went from the hottest feud in WWE against Rollins, to something of truly midcardian proportions. Now don't get me wrong, I am not dissing Wyatt, but when you main event a pay per view and at the next one you fight someone, who's track record isn't exactly all that great, the meaning of the match is lost somewhere in translation. I am kind of afraid that what I was talking about is happening. Dean didn't impress at the Cell so they will feed him to Bray Wyatt. Two internet darlings, WWE can't do wrong here. I do hope Dean will win this, since his level is much higher now and staying in the midcard for too long will hurt him, but I am a realist. And if you didn't get it from the part earlier, he should be the captain of the face team.

Who will win: Bray Wyatt


The Dust Brothers vs. The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The Miz and Damien Sandow - For the Tag Team Championships

This quite possibly will be the most enjoyable match to watch out of the whole card. Looking at who is involved, this should be fun to watch. Hopefully his will be action packed, fast paced, hot tags, lots of everything. I am quite confident WWE will want to cash in on the popularity of Damien Sandow and they will give the title to the Miz and Sandow. If they will not win this, then the champions are keeping the belts. We just finished a story with the Usos and Los Matadores are a joke.  

Who will win: The Miz and Damien Sandow


Alicia Fox, Emma, Naomi and Natalya vs. Paige, Cameron, Layla and Summer Rae

Let's not give this match much thought, let's just put together some divas and call it a traditional Survivor Series match, but for women. Oh shut up. This is lazy, pure and simple. Matches like this require the least amount of work from the creative team. Knowing WWE this will last around 5-10 minutes and will end with the good team winning. 

Who will win: Alicia Fox, Emma, Naomi and Natalya

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