wtorek, 16 grudnia 2014

WWE TLC...and Chairs 2014 - Review

So TLC was on Sunday and this time I haven't seen the RAW yet, nor did I read any spoilers, so if anything transpires there, well, I won't be able to know, but maybe that is for the better. I did read comments made by people about this event though. And in general seem that there is less of a split between people liking it and not, much less then there is usually, at least. What do I think? Well, this was a train wreck, but I did expect that, still, I would lie if I would say it wasn't an enjoyable train wreck at a few moments. 

Some matches played their part as expected, some didn't make a lick of sense, but it already happened and there is no way to turn back time and redo them. With that said, he is a few things I do have to say about TLC and C.

The New Day vs. The Dust Brothers

This match pretty much confirm what I was suspecting about brothers Dust. They lost their push and now are being treated as enhancement talent. Which they do fine, since we are talking about quite talented people. I just don't want to see Cody Rhodes go down too far. Maybe it is time to leave the Stardust persona behind? Maybe it is time for a singles run? I don't know. The New Day wins, the match wasn't even for bragging rights, since there was no story behind it. 

Winners: The New Day

Luke Harper vs. Dolph Ziggler - Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship

This was the match of the night for me and for a lot of people, the only problem is the finish. With the recent push for Dolph Ziggler me and a whole lot of other people thought that it will be time for the Show Off to, you know, show-off. But nope, Dolph it is not your time this time. Really, putting a midcard title on a guy with so much star power just baffles me. The only reason I can think about, is that with Lesnar showing up when he feels like, WWE needs to keep midcard titles on guy that do have some drawing power. If it's not that, then this was just a stupid, stupid decision. 

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

The Miz and Damien Sandow vs. The Usos - For the WWE Tag Team Championships

After what we saw in recent weeks this was a very good opportunity to really play Naomi into this match and all we got was just her watching it from backstage. That was one side of this angle that was actually a bit interesting, you know, good looking girl some sleeze offering her career in movies... Yeah, my mind went straight into the gutter, but think about it, when was the last time WWE pulled a story like that? I mean seriously, it could be played very well without crossing the PG rating. They did not do it, obviously, which kind of sucks, since that pretty much sucked out any interest I had in this. The two tag teams will meet somewhere along the line, most likely on RAW, cause you know... TLC recap matches. 

Winners: The Usos via DQ

Big Show vs. Eric Rowan - Stairs Match

This is an example of a match that didn't need to happen and made the situation worse by actually happening. Eric Rowan was on a high going from Survivor Series, his personality and character was only beginning to settle in and WWE decided to fuck it up by putting Big Show over. Why? Just because you want to make something with Roman Reigns later? Rowan could've been legitimately something new, something we never seen in WWE before, but no. I am seriously pissed off about this. They are wasting the potential of this character. Match itself was slow, but what to expect with Show in the ring? The concept was stupid, just a bunch of stairs... Uuuu... 

Winner: Big Show

Seth Rollins vs. John Cena - Tables Match

Another completely pointless outcome. I have been saying this for a while now, Seth Rollins is booked terribly, horribly. Coming out of this match we learned that Rollins cannot beat Cena with the help of his two security guys and Big Show. Rollins cannot beat a guy in a 4 on one situation. Oh yeah, that is the face of the future. That is the greatest threat to Brock Lesnar championship, a fucking pussy. A lousy vagina. Seth Rollins is a vagina. Cena did not need this win, even if they wanted to make the match with Brock happen, it could've been played into later. For example... Cena loses, but wants Brock, so he makes a deal that he will discard the power to bring back Authority if he can get the number 1 contendership back. Seth comes out and says Cena doesn't deserve it, but Cena says to him something like "Why you care, you have that briefcase, when I am done with Brock, no matter who wins, he'll be an easy target". Done, Rollins needed that win, badly, that is the second big event in a row Seth lost. Stupid. Roman's return didn't help it.

Winner: John Cena

Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee - For the Divas Championship

So Nikki wins, AJ lost her rematch, soooo... Does that mean we are moving forward or it's going to be AJ again? What is really annoying about this is how easy it was for WWE to just throw away the story between Bella Twins. No you don't get a reconciliation without some serious reason behind it after what you two twats put us, the viewers, through.  

Winner: Nikki Bella

Ryback vs. Kane - Chairs Match

Ryback wins, anyone expected anything else? Honestly I am getting tired on commenting how great it is for Kane to push younger talent. No it's not, come on Glen, have some dignity, soon you will be jobbing to Adam Rose's Bunny. 

Winner: Ryback

Rusev vs. Jack Swagger - For the United States Championship

Another win for the evil Russian, who is evil... Because we say so mostly, I mean he's pretty mean... I mean the girl he walks to the ring is mean, look how mean she is, she is almost insulting United States of America. We are a PG show, so she can't really do or say anything really insulting... UUuuuu!!! Evil Russian!!! A match without much of a build up and predictable result. I KNOW with 100% certainty I could write better.

Winner: Rusev

Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose - Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match

This was just a train wreck and the ending was rather dumb with that monitor, but like I said before. I would be lying if I said I didn't get any enjoyment from it. I decided to not really get into details about this match, cause there isn't much to say about it without doing a play by play. One thing I will say is that Bray needed this win, cause if he would lose again, it would be pretty much it for him. With the rumors of a possible match between Undertaker and Bray going to happen at Wrestlemania... Well, let's just say it is time to do "something" constructive with this character.

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Overall: 6 out of 10 - If you expected wrestling, this was the wrong event to choose, if you don't mind a little mess and "weapons", it's going to be right up your alley, but just barely. The concept was TLC and C and we got... A table match, A chair match, A ladder match and A chairs match. It felt a bit lackluster and a wasted potential. There was also some pointless wins here, which really annoy me personally. So yeah, take it with a grain of salt.



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