I was wondering for a bit from which side should I start my review, top to bottom, maybe the other way, or maybe jump to the point and then talk about the rest. Well, by now I am sure, every one knows what happened at the event, so don't be surprised that I do want to move right to the big match.
Team Cena (John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Ryback, Eric Rowan) vs. Team Authority (Seth Rollins, Kane, Rusev, Luke Harper, Mark Henry)
The big match, the main event, the match that will change the face of WWE forever - or it will not, as we will see on RAW next night, but I am getting too far of myself. The actual match was really good, no bullshitting this time. The match vary good, pure and simple. The storytelling was there, we got a twist with Big Show turning on his team and knocking out Cena, we had tension, we had action, we had Ziggler actually finishing the match and we had WWE debut of Sting. Personally as a fan I have to admit this match was exactly what it should have been. I am a master of nitpicking, but this time I will not do that, not that there isn't anything to nitpick on, but I just want to enjoy what I saw. Know the saying giving credit where it is due? Well, for all the shit I throw on the heads of WWE creative, they nailed this one right on the money. And it was for free. Not going to say anything else, it was just good, if you haven't seen it, go and do it.
Winners: Team Cena
Fandango vs. Justin Gabriel
So we have Fandango, new music, new attire, new attitude, new partner in Rosa Mendes, great... Same gimmick, same shtick, plus Rosa can't dance. Hey, I might not now how to dance either, but I am not on the stage with thousands of people world wide watching me. I want to see where they will go with that "change", as there is potential here, but WWE is the king of potential... usually followed by a let down in pay off.
Winner: Fandango
Cesaro vs. Jack Swagger
So the same Swagger that joined team Cena, for some reason, got kicked out from team Cena, because of injury. Is now wrestling, still as a face, mind you, on the same event team Cena will be fighting. But does WWE use it to do anything with it? Of course not. Cesaro gets his ass kicked again. This is just beyond hopeless. Cesaro, tell me, was the indies REALLY that bad for you? I get money and all, but really?
Winner: Jack Swagger
Dust Brothers vs. The Usos vs. The Miz & Daniel Sandow vs. Los Matadores - For Tag Team Championship
When it comes to actual in-ring action, the tag team matches very often are where I go to look for quality. Usually they are fast, action packed, spot filled, but without overdoing it. I am not a fan of "Mizdow" and his antics, but I can see how can it amuse people. Plus he is the one that gets the pin. It is funny tough how absolutely no story can work when you let wrestlers just be wrestlers.
Winners: The Miz & Daniel Sandow
Paige, Cameron, Summer Rae and Layla vs. Natalya, Emma, Naomi and Alicia Fox
Face team wins as you could image they did. Those multiperson female tag matches pretty much always end like that. There isn't really anything to say about this since there was no story and the action in the ring didn't last very long and wasn't exactly great either. Predictably Paige was the last one eliminated from the heel team and that's that.
Winners: Natalya, Emma, Naomi and Alicia Fox
Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt
I knew from the get go that Wyatt will win, but the only part I was worried was that Ambrose would get the short end of the stick with this one. He did not. Luckily WWE figured out how to make that happen with a DQ loss. But as you probably can figure out, there is always a good side to things as there always exists a bad side. While Dean came out of this match very strong, Bray got, both figuratively and literally, buried. Bray Wyatt didn't come into this match with a strong position. Months of constant failure, cause no one will convince me the career from the debut of Bray was a success, took a toll on his credibility. He became a rambling weirdo and no, that is not a good thing. WWE did try to make him seem like a firce to be recon with, but with each attempt they lower his status even more and more. Ambrose on the other hand just came out from a very big feud and this match seemed like a punishment. Like it or not, we will get another one between the two, this time most likely on TLC, which could work for their advantage.
Winner: Bray Wyatt by DQ
Adam Rose and Bunny vs. Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil
Everyone knows that somewhere along the line, there will be a match of Adam Rose vs. The Bunny. We know, we expect it, the only question is, when it will happen and what kind of stipulation it will have, since I don't really see this match going without a stipulation. The best one is the most obvious one, with Bunny getting unmasked or someone taking over the Exotic Express. The match served the only point it could have served, a comedy one and it was just "meh".
Winners: Adam Rose and Bunny
Nikki Bella vs. AJ Lee - For Divas Championship
There isn't a whole lot to say about this match, since it basically ended right when it begun, when Brie kisses AJ for a distraction and Nikki took the pin. The story isn't really anything to talk about either, since the actual story part was about the Bella Twins, which I hate, because in my mind, when there is a feud for the title, said title should be in the main focus of everything related. I get it that they needed to play on the "You are my slave" gimmick, but still, it was for the title and with that kind of booking it seems like it's not worth a whole lot - which is sadly true, but they could at least not point that out so hard. I don't watch Total Divas, so I don't know if it finished, since Nikki got the title, or maybe the whole rumor was just bullshit, which it sometimes is. I will not judge the decision to put the belt on Nikki until I see how they will work from that point. As I stated before, Nikki in the ring isn't horrible, so as long as they give her the mic as little as possible, it might work.
Winner and new champion: Nikki Bella
Overall: 8 out of 10 - The whole event was maybe 6, 7 max, but the last match was exactly what I wanted to see and exactly what they should have done in the conditions they created plus we actually saw Sting doing something other then promoting a game. But there is a couple things that do make one wonder. This was a free event in the Network, obvious move to promote the product, and it was really good... I do wonder, how will WWE follow such an event? If you did get new subscribers on board, how are you going to keep them on? After all, there is no obligation to continue the subscription.
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